Transformative Communication empowers children to sustainably transform without ever knowing they needed to
TRANSFORM inner voIce
Learn to enable lifelong confidence and Resilience in children
connect and learn through challenge
Meet children where they are before empowering them to reach their potential
Communication that promotes subconscious and sustainably positive development in young people

Dux Resilience works closely with schools to implement and oversee Transformative Communication techniques that lead to:
Transformative Communication training shines a light on the link between Resilience and behaviour, how that behaviour looks in education settings, and how to use specific language to build children’s awareness of their Resilience and subsequently reduce behaviours that prevent learning.

Transformative Communication: Unlock the Power of Resilience.
Teachers and support staff have huge, and at times, unrealistic expectations placed upon them. This is compounded by the fact that the children that walk through their doors have never been more complex, the variety of behaviour has never been so great and the state of the world that the children they teach are growing up in is in a state of post-covid toxicity. Some professionals I work with feel deskilled, and burnt out. Yet, every day, they are there for the children they work with. I’ve always thought teaching and working in schools is more than a job, it’s a calling.
The goal of Transformative Communication is to support professionals to; empower the inner voice of children, increase their Resilience and ultimately guide children to sustainably change behaviours and outcomes for the better. The Transformative Communication programme outlines this innovative approach in a way that supports professionals to best use it in their setting.
By learning how to use specific language, you'll be able to help your students understand and build their own Resilience, leading to a reduction in behaviours that prevent learning. With the knowledge and skills you'll gain from this course, you'll be able to create positive changes in behaviour and remove barriers to learning. This, in turn, will increase opportunities for learning through challenge, allowing your students to reach their full potential.
Through Transformative Communication professionals can empower the inner voice of the children they work with, thus empowering children to learn about ‘themselves’ without those children ever knowing they are doing it. What a gift to give a child!
Transformative Communication is there to support education professionals in meeting children where they are and helping them to move forward with a strong and Resilient inner voice. Transformative Communication is more than just a course – it's a journey towards a better future for both you and your students.
If what you’ve read seems right for you, register the Transformative Communication online course below - you'll be amazed at the difference language can make!
Still not sure? Book a no-strings-attached call today to explore how the course could work for you
Transformative Communication
Online course for education settings
Meet children where they are before empowering them to reach their potential.
Adopting ‘Transformative Communication’ as a whole school approach has given us a shared language across school and is increasingly used by parents/carers at home too.
Nick’s training not only empowered and enabled staff to use the approach with our children, but it also personally helped many staff members to change their own inner voice - leading to a happier and more resilient workforce.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, Nick’s work has never been more important. We have seen more children unable to regulate their own behaviour and struggle to communicate with their peers and with trusted adults. Implementing ‘Transformative Communication’ is changing our children’s inner voices and developing core skills for life.
Gemma Parkin, Deputy Head Teacher at Mellor Primary School